Taking time, talking with your partner, family and GP and having repeat consultations with your urologist will help you feel confident in the steps you are taking. It is important to keep active doing things that you enjoy.

Relaxation and meditation may help you release tension and anxiety and give your body its best chance to recover.

Some men feel down after treatment for prostate cancer, but it usually gets better over a few months. If it persists and is troubling, you should discuss it with your GP or specialist or seek further help.

Partners of men with prostate cancer also feel anxiety and may need support. Involving partners in consultations and maintaining open communication is very important. Talking to other partners at support group meetings can be helpful.

Prostate cancer is not contagious and is not known to affect your partner or close contacts. See Resources.

If your cancer was diagnosed at an early age (under 65 years), close male members of your family such as a father or a brother may also be at a higher risk from prostate cancer. They may benefit from an early detection program (regular PSA testing) and could discuss this with their doctor.

What the future holds

Even if the PSA continues to rise after salvage treatment for prostate cancer there is typically a long delay (usually several years) before you feel any symptoms from the disease. Specialists often advise starting hormone treatment well before you develop any symptoms and this can control cancer growth, typically for many years. The slow growing nature of most prostate cancers works in your favour. For many men, the years of life ahead are meaningful and enriching.