Choice of treatment depends on your cancer – whether it is low risk, moderate or high risk. By ‘risk’, we mean the extent to which it poses a threat to your life. Doctors use mainly the PSA level, cancer stage and cancer grade to decide on risk. Urinary difficulties and the size of the prostate may also play a role. Choice of treatment also depends on your age, whether you have other health conditions and your own preference.

  • For low risk cancers, treatments include brachytherapy, external beam radiotherapy, radical prostatectomy and active surveillance.
  • For moderate risk cancers, radical prostatectomy and external beam radiotherapy, with or without brachytherapy, are options.
  • For higher risk cancers, radical prostatectomy or hormone treatment may be offered in combination with radiotherapy.
  • For an older man or those with fewer than 10 years life expectancy, and low to intermediate risk cancer, watchful waiting can be a sensible choice.