
Annual Report 2016

It is almost a truism to say, that for any organisation, each year throws up new challenges, opportunities and incremental growth. For SA-PCCOC, 2016 (our 18th year of operation) has been no exception. During this year we have captured more than 85% of all men with a new diagnosis of prostate cancer in the state and achieved “population status” of our registry. We believe this to be not only an Australian first, but also a world first, for a non-government funded, independent cancer registry.

Vice Regal Visit – Freemasons Hall – 24 April


On Monday 24 April, the SA-PCCOC team were honoured to be invited to meet with His Excellency, the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia, at the Freemasons Hall. As Patron in Chief of the Centre the visit was used for students and researchers in men’s health to talk about their research.

Our team presented the Age is not associated with continence outcomes after a robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RALP) , authored by S Plagakis, M O’Callaghan, P Neumann, P Sutherland, A Fuller, R Wells, D Foreman.


Data We Collect

Outcomes recorded include:

  • Pathological outcomes after surgery;
  • Biochemical recurrence after surgery or radiotherapy;
  • Prostate cancer-specific death;
  • All-cause mortality; and
  • Quality of life after treatment.

Clinical measures:

  • Transrectal Ultrasonography (TRUS) diagnostic biopsy
  • Transperineal diagnostic biopsy
  • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
  • Treatment types:
    Hormones: (Androgen Deprivation (Chemical/Surgical)
    Surgical pathology (Robotic Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy)
                     > Gleason Grade (Primary/Secondary/Tertiary),
                     > Pathology  stage,
                     > Histology sub-type (Acinar/Ductal)
                     > Extra Capsular Extension and location

     Active Surveillance/Watchful Waiting

Annual Report 2015

During 2015, 1,302 patients were added to the SA-PCCOC database. This represents
91% ascertainment of all prostate cancer cases diagnosed within South Australia, using data
projections from the South Australia Cancer register as a denominator.

Annual Report 2014

During 2014, 915 patients were added to the SA-PCCOC database. This represents 51% ascertainment of all prostate cancer cases diagnosed within South Australia, using data from the South Australia Cancer register (2009) as a denominator.

Annual Report 2013

During 2013, 862 patients were added to the SA-PCCOC database. This represents 53% ascertainment of all prostate cancer cases diagnosed within South Australia, using projections provided by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as a denominator.

External Link

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’

Annual Report 2012

2012 signalled the beginning of a new era for SA-PCCOC with changes to our team, our data infrastructure and our partnerships. Despite some challenges, SA-PCCOC is well placed to move towards our intended goal of establishing a population based prostate cancer registry for South Australia.