What is Mr PHIP?

Mr PHIP (Prostate Health Information Program) is a prostate health education program funded by the South Australian Department of Human Services between 1996-99.

The program was originally aimed at educating men and their families affected by prostate cancer in the Southern Region of Adelaide and produced a series of prostate cancer education materials.

Because of strong demand, these information materials have been regularly updated and made available more broadly.

Mr PHIP educational materials

The Mr PHIP series of educational materials aims to deliver information ‘at the right time, in the right amount’ at five different stages of the disease:

1. testing

2. diagnosis

3. treatment – localised cancer

4. treatment – advanced cancer

5. life after treatment

There are seven Mr PHIP information sheets:
1. Should I be Tested?
2. Interpreting the PSA Test
3. After the Diagnosis
4. Monitoring After Treatment
5. Hormonal Therapy
6. Sexual Function After Treatment
7. Useful Resources
Each sheet can be viewed on this site or downloaded as a PDF file for offline viewing or printing.


The information sheets were developed by the Urology Unit at the Repatriation General Hospital in consultation with general practitioners, men who live with prostate cancer, their families and friends. Other health professionals and community agencies, notably the Cancer Council SA, have contributed to the production. We are grateful to all of these individuals and organisations who have been so generous with their time and willingness to assist.

The Mr PHIP Team

The team which developed the original PHIP series comprised

    • Dr Alan Stapleton (Urologist)
    • Mrs Sue Boxhall (Nurse Adviser)
    • Mrs Marg Southwell (Clinical Nurse Consultant, Urology)
    • Mr Barry Oakley (Consumer adviser)
    • Dr Carole Pinnock (Project Coordinator)
    • Ms Allison Larg (Project Officer)
    • Mrs Jane Frankham (The Cancer Council SA)
    • Mrs Jan Paterson (Continence Foundation of Australia)
    • Ms Esther Tennant (Royal District Nursing Society)


The information provided in these information sheets and web pages is not intended to take the place of medical advice. Information on prostate disease is constantly being updated. We have made every effort to ensure that information was current at the time of production, however your GP or specialist may provide you with new or different information which is more appropriate to your needs.