We have numerous contributors – see our Partnerships and Sponsors pages.
Who can I contact regarding data access, use or collaboration?
Please use our contact page.
Is data available for student projects?
Yes, we encourage graduate students and medical trainees to undertake small and larger projects that are on offer with the database. We give assistance with ethics applications, formulating research questions and analysis. For more information on applying please check here.
How many patients are in the database?
18,000 men have been recruited to the registry.
What clinical measures do you collect?
- Transrectal Ultrasonography (TRUS) diagnostic biopsy
- Transperineal diagnostic biopsy
- Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
- Treatment types:
Hormones: (Androgen Deprivation (Chemical/Surgical),Surgical Pathology: Radical Prostatectomy (Open retropubic and Robot assisted laparoscopic),
Active Surveillance/Watchful Waiting, Radiotherapy - Electronic collection of prostate specific antigen (PSA) and Testosterone results
- Imaging results (CT, whole body bone scan, MRI, and PET/PSMA scans)
- Patient Questionnaires (collected at baseline, three months, six months, 12 months, two years and five years) using EPIC-26, IPSS, AQoL, 6D instruments.
- Gleason Grade (Primary/Secondary/Tertiary), Pathology Stage
- Histology sub-type (Acinar/Ductal)
How complete is the collection?
In terms of numbers of patients, we estimate that we recruit 85% of diagnoses in SA (both public and private) in any one year
Who has access to the de-identified data?
Researchers affiliated with medical or academic institutions. Interested researchers are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest for consideration by the SA-PCCOC Research committee.
What outcomes does the database collect?
Outcomes recorded include:
- Pathological outcomes after surgery;
- Biochemical recurrence after surgery or radiotherapy;
- Prostate cancer-specific death;
- All-cause mortality;
- Quality of life after treatment.
Where do you recruit patients who are represented in the database?
We recruit patients from the major teaching hospitals in Adelaide: the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH), The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) and Flinders Medical Centre/Repatriation General Hospital (RGH), Noarlunga Hospital and the Lyell McEwin Hospital. In addition, we recruit private patients from a number of private hospitals and clinics.
How do I get access to your data?
Please see our guidelines and form for data access.